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Getting Help

Crisis And Drug Hotlines

In larger cities, telephone-counseling services have been established for the purpose of helping youth. Many of these services are staffed twenty-four hours a day by people who understand alcohol and drug abuse. They should know where the best services are for someone in your situation. They may even be able to make an appointment and arrange transportation for you to see a doctor.

Peer counselors have been trained to help others staff some of these phone services. You may find it easier to discuss your problem with a peer. In any case, be sure to tell the person with whom you speak everything you can about the types and amounts of depressants you have been using and any problems you are having.

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Science EncyclopediaCommon Street DrugsGetting Help - Parents, Religious Leaders, Crisis And Drug Hotlines, Certified Alcohol And Drug Counselor (cadc) - TEACHERS, SCHOOL COUNSELORS