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What Is DyslexiaForms Of Dyslexia

A dyslexic can have many reading problems. Dyslexics often reverse letters, so that “p” looks like “q.” They may see words backward and read “pan” as “nap.” They can mix up letters, seeing “m” as “n” or “u” as “w.” The word “of” may look like “off,” “on,” or “or.” Sometimes, they see entirely new words. A dyslexic might read the sentence “Once there was a pig” as “Once there was a hen.”

When someone reads aloud, dyslexics have a hard time following along. When dyslexics read aloud, they stumble over words and say them incorrectly. They may say “animal” as “aminal.” They may read a word correctly on one page, but later, they won't recognize the same word.

Some dyslexics can read words well, but they don't understand what they're reading. They must read a sentence several times to get its meaning. They may understand an idea easily if it is told to them. But reading the same idea is hard. Some dyslexics can both read well and understand what they read, but find it very hard to write or spell.

Difficulty with writing or spelling (sometimes called dysgraphia) is a very common problem for dyslexics. They often see words as jumbles of letters. Dyslexics can't picture a word in their minds. They may spell it correctly out loud but still spell it wrong on paper. They may mix up letters or leave some out. They may write “stand” as “stad,” or “coffee” as “coffb.”

Many dyslexics have trouble paying attention. Their minds tend to wander. They can't focus on reading or other tasks for very long. This problem is called attention deficit disorder, or ADD. Some dyslexics are also hyperactive, or restless. Some dyslexics have ADD combined with hyperactivity, a condition known as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). One person with dyslexia and ADD describes it as “Running daydreams—a process of always rapidly creating in your mind, so you never hear what others really say, or you forget what they say. Therefore you can't hear or see things around you accurately.”

Dyslexia affects many areas of life. Dyslexics may have trouble dialing a telephone number. They may not be able to follow directions. If told to turn left, they may turn right. If asked to mail a letter, they may get distracted and forget to do it. Dyslexics can be disorganized. They often can't remember where they put things. Dyslexia can also cause a person to be clumsy.

As you can see, dyslexia can cause many problems. As a result, dyslexics sometimes have low self-esteem or consider themselves stupid. Some become quiet and withdrawn; they hope people won't notice them. Other dyslexics react differently: In school, they are the class clown; they hope that joking around will make them popular and hide their real problems.

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