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What Is DyslexiaWho Is Dyslexic?, What Causes Dyslexia?, Myths About Dyslexia, Forms Of Dyslexia, Are You Dyslexic:?

Dyslexia is a language and learning disability. The term was coined by Rudolf Berlin of Stuttgart, Germany, in 1887 to describe the inability to read. Dys means “difficult.” Lexia means “word” or “language.” Dyslexia is a condition that makes it hard for a person to read words and use language.

There are many forms of dyslexia. You can have one or more forms. A person with any form of dyslexia is called a dyslexic.

Originally, dyslexia only meant problems in reading. But later, people began to use the word for problems in other areas, such as spelling, writing, and math. The severity of dyslexia can range from minor problems with spelling to complete illiteracy.

Today, not all experts agree on what dyslexia is. They define it in different ways. They have different ideas about what causes it. They even disagree on how to treat it. But they do agree on one thing. Dyslexics are not stupid. Most have average intelligence. Many are above average. With the right help, all dyslexics can overcome their learning problems.

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Science EncyclopediaDyslexia