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Learning Disabilities

Who Has a Learning DisabilityAn Invisible Disability

Sometimes a bright, hardworking person like Warren fools teachers and parents for years before they notice serious learning difficulties. Because you can't see a learning disability, it is sometimes called an “invisible disability.”

More often, now that parents and teachers are aware of learning disabilities, they suspect the problem early. To a parent, the child seems somehow different in the way he or she thinks and learns.

In school, the teacher soon notices that the child seems unable to put what is taught into practice. Not being able to sound out letters is one clue. Still another is not being able to hear words that have some of the same sounds. Another is not being able to pick out his or her name from a list of classmates’ names. Such clues add up. Good teachers notice that a child is not learning along with the other students. By second and third grade, the problem becomes more obvious—the child doesn't keep up with classmates in reading, writing, and often math.

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Science EncyclopediaLearning DisabilitiesLearning Disabilities - Who Has a Learning Disability - An Invisible Disability, Do I Have A Learning Disability?, Identifying Ld, Assessment, Accurate Assessment Matters