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Coping with DyslexiaWhen Taking Notes

  • Divide your paper in half and write “topics” on the left side and “details” on the right side.
  • Create note cards by using index cards. Have a heading and then write the details below.
  • Write down all unfamiliar or difficult words in bold print on note cards and also write the definition.
  • Review several note cards daily.
  • Ask your teachers for help when you need it.
  • Enroll in a keyboard or typing class; some dyslexics find it easier to take notes and jot down their thoughts using a computer rather than pen and paper.

Additional topics

Science EncyclopediaDyslexiaDyslexia - Coping with Dyslexia - Reading Pictures, Causing Trouble, Treatments For Dyslexia, Multisensory Treatment, Classroom Strategies, When Taking Notes - Memorizing, Using Others, Making Jokes