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CalebA Big Surprise

In ninth grade, Caleb entered high school. He went back to regular classes. But all his learning problems remained. The only good part of Caleb's day was shop class, where he designed and made things with his hands.

Then, something happened that changed everything for Caleb. The local art museum held a contest. Students were asked to create a sculp ture. The winning entry would be displayed at the museum.

To everyone's surprise, Caleb won. His sculp ture was made of different metals. It had large circles, triangles, and rectangles. It looked impressive. The local newspaper ran a picture of Caleb with his work of art.

Caleb was asked to speak about his work at a school assembly. Again he surprised everyone. His speech was excellent. He had memorized what he wanted to say, so he didn't need to read anything.

Caleb received many compliments on his art- work and speech. He surprised his classmates and teachers.

Caleb's English teacher was puzzled. She saw that he could do good work and speak well. It was clear that he was neither slow nor lazy.

The teacher had Caleb tested again. This time she used a special test. The results proved what she had suspected. The test revealed Caleb's real problem: He had dyslexia.

Additional topics

Science EncyclopediaDyslexiaDyslexia - Caleb - The Trouble Begins, Things Get Worse, A New School, A Big Surprise