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How Can You Spot DepressionAre You Depressed?

  • Do you feel sad all the time?
  • Are you not interested in friends or activities that you used to care about?
  • Are your grades suddenly dropping?
  • Are you frequently tired and out of energy?
  • Do you have difficulty concentrating?
  • Do you have trouble sleeping, or are you sleeping more than usual?
  • Do you have thoughts about suicide or thoughts about harming others?
  • Do you often eat too much or not enough?

If you can answer yes to any of these questions, you may be depressed.

People suffering from major depression show definite symptoms or signs. It may or may not be obvious to friends and relatives that the person has a problem and needs help. A person may live with depression for years, never realizing that he or she has an illness that could be cured. Many of the symptoms of minor depression are the same as those of major depression. The difference lies in how severe the symptoms are and how often the person experiences them.

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Science EncyclopediaDepressionDepression - How Can You Spot Depression - Are You Depressed?, Minor Depression Vs. Major Depression, What To Look For