1 minute read

Drug Abuse and Addiction


The longer a person abuses a drug, the greater the chance that he or she will become addicted. Addiction means completely losing control over how much you use, or how often you use. When a person is addicted to drugs, he or she cannot stop using. An addict will often steal, lie, and hurt people to get drugs.

Addiction results from psychological and physical dependence. Psychological dependence means that a person thinks he or she needs the drug in order to function.

Physical dependence means that a person's body needs the drug to function. Without it, the person experiences physical withdrawal symptoms such as trembling hands or headaches. These symptoms may also include nausea, sweating, confusion, depression, insomnia, chills, cramps, and disorientation.

An addict cares only about getting drugs and maintaining his or her supply. The drug becomes the most important thing in his or her life. An addict cannot stop using on his or her own and needs professional help to quit.

Later, we will discuss what kind of medical treatment is necessary to successfully quit using depressants. One thing is clear: Drug abuse and drug addiction can ruin your life. By choosing not to use drugs, you are choosing to enjoy life and all it can offer.

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