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Corruption in Developed and Developing Countries


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Gillespie, Kate, and Gwenn Okruhlik. "The Political Dimensions of Corruption Cleanups: A Framework for Analysis." Comparative Politics 24, no. 1 (1991): 77–95.

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Nye, J. S. "Corruption and Political Development: A Cost-Benefit Analysis." American Political Science Review 61, no. 2 (1967): 417–427.

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Passas, Nikos. "I Cheat Therefore I Exist? The BCCI Scandal in Context." In Emerging Global Business Ethics, edited by W. Michael Hoffman, Judith B. Kamm, Robert E. Frederick, and Edward S. Petry Jr. Westport, Conn.: Quorum, 1994.

Rose-Ackerman, Susan. Corruption: A Study in Political Economy. New York: Academic Press, 1978.

——. Corruption and Government: Causes, Consequences, and Reform. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press, 1999.

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Van Klaveren, Jacob. "The Concept of Corruption." In Political Corruption: A Handbook, edited by Arnold J Heidenheimer, Michael Johnston, and Victor T. LeVine. New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction, 1990.

Additional topics

Science EncyclopediaScience & Philosophy: Condensation to CoshCorruption in Developed and Developing Countries - Defining Corruption, The International Dimension Of Corruption, Controlling Corruption, Public Choice Theory And Corruption Control