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Mountain-building And Glaciation In Victoria

The Glass House Mountains in southeastern Queensland and the Warbungle Mountains in northern New South Wales were formed by volcanism in recent times, during the Miocene Epoch, around 20 million years ago. Gold bearing deep leads can be found in basaltic lava flows along ancient valleys. The Flinders ranges in South Australia were uplifted in the modern geological era, the Cenozoic. About the same time the sea retreated from the Murray Basin in South Australia. During the Pleistocene (less than two million years ago), a 400 sq mi (103,600 ha) area around Mount Kosciusko was covered with glaciers.

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Science EncyclopediaScience & Philosophy: A-series and B-series to Ballistic Missiles - Categories Of Ballistic MissileAustralia - Topography And Origin Of Australia, Splitting Of Australia From Antarctica, Seismic Activity And Faulting, Overall Geological Structure - South Australian mountains, Glaciers and ocean inundations, Geology of Tasmania, Climate