4 minute read

Atomic Theory

Applications Of Atomic Theory

Early studies of radioactivity revealed that certain atomic nuclei were naturally radioactive. Some scientists wondered that if particles could come out of the nucleus, would it also be possible to force particles into the nucleus? In 1932, Cockcroft and Walton succeeded in building a particle accelerator, a device that could make streams of charged particles move faster and faster. These fast particles, protons for example, were then aimed at a thin plate of a lighter element like lithium (Li). If a lithium atom nucleus "captures" a proton, the nucleus becomes unstable and breaks apart into two alpha particles. This technique of inducing radioactivity by bombardment with accelerated particles is still the most used method of studying nuclear structure and subatomic particles. Today, accelerators race the particles in straight lines or, to save land space, in ringed paths several miles in diameter.

The spontaneous rearrangement of the atomic nucleus always results in a release of energy in the form of kinetic motion in fast-moving neutrons. When a large nucleus falls apart to form smaller atoms, the process is called fission. When lighter atoms are forced together to produce a heavier atom, the process is called fusion. In either case, fast neutrons are released. These can transfer their kinetic energy to the surroundings, heating it. This heat can be used to boil water, producing steam to run a turbine that turns an electric generator. Fusion is the process occurring in the center of the Sun and other stars. So much energy can be released quickly that the process has also been used for the hydrogen bomb. However, fusion is not yet controlled enough for running a power plant. Research continues to find a controlled method of using fusion energy.

On the other hand, fission reactions have also been used for very powerful weapons. The first atomic bomb was detonated in 1945. Since then, however, fission energy has also been controlled enough to operate the many nuclear power plants around the world.

While an atom is the smallest part of an element which still is that element, atoms are not the smallest particles that exist. Even the protons and neutrons in the atomic nucleus are believed to made of even smaller particles called quarks. Current research in atomic physics focuses on describing the internal structure of atoms. By using particle accelerators, scientists are trying to characterize quarks which may combine in a number of ways to produce other types of subatomic particles.

No one has ever seen a single atom even with the best optical microscopes. Special types of microscopes called scanning tunneling microscopes and atomic force microscopes make use of the forces produced by the electrons to obtain images of the electron clouds. These clouds indicate how atoms are arranged but we cannot "see" through the cloud to the nucleus. Because of the limitations of size, we will never see an atom with our own eyes. Everything we know about atoms must be deduced from larger-scale experiments. As a result, the description of atoms is still called a theory. However, this theory explains atomic experiments so well that we usually think of the existence of atoms as a fact.

Eileen Korenic


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—A device that causes particles to move faster and faster.

Alpha particle

—Two protons and two neutrons bound together and emitted from the nucleus during some kinds of radioactive decay.

Atomic mass

—The mass of an atom relative to carbon-12, 12C (which has a mass of exactly 12 atomic mass units); also the mass, in grams, of an element that contains one mole of atoms.

Atomic mass unit (u or amu)

—A unit used to express the mass of atoms equal to exactly one-twelfth of the mass of carbon-12.

Beta particle

—One type of radioactive decay particle emitted from radioactive atomic nuclei. A beta particle is the same thing as an electron.


—A metal plate that carries electrical current.

Electron cloud

—The image of an electron moving so fast that it seems to fill a region of space.


—The combination of waves in which high spots combine to give even higher spots and low spots combine to give even lower spots.

Kinetic energy

—The energy of a moving object.

Mass number

—The sum of protons and neutrons.


—The dense central part of an atom containing the protons and neutrons; plural is nuclei.


—The region of probability within an atom where an electron with a particular energy is likely to be.


—Objects that can absorb or emit energy and convert it into kinetic energy.


—Repeatability of a pattern.


—The amount of radiant energy in the different orbits of an electron around the nucleus of an atom.


—Believed to be the most fundamental units of protons and neutrons.

Uncertainty principle

—Heisenberg's statement that both the position and velocity of a particle cannot be known with equal precision at the same time.

Wave-particle duality

—The ability of objects to show characteristics of both waves and particles.

Additional topics

Science EncyclopediaScience & Philosophy: A-series and B-series to Ballistic Missiles - Categories Of Ballistic MissileAtomic Theory - History, Describing Characteristics Of Atoms, Applications Of Atomic Theory