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  • Mood disorder that causes extreme mood swings. The person feels very sad and hopeless at certain times and extremely happy (or occasionally irritable) and energetic at other times.
  • A symptom of schizophrenia that is characterized by a person displaying less emotion— anger, sadness, joy—than most other people.
  • Very rare mental illness in which two or more distinct personalities are present within the same person. Each of these personalities has his or her own memories, relationships, and ways of behaving, and only one of them is in charge at any given moment.
  • A kind of neurotransmitter (chemical messenger) that researchers think may play a role in causing symptoms of schizophrenia.
  • Side effects of neuroleptics that can cause a person's muscles to become stiff, their hands to shake, and their feet to shuffle when they walk. EPS can also cause a person's facial muscles to move uncontrollably.
  • Tiny parts of cells that carry traits from parents to children and are like a “recipe” for a new person.
  • A symptom of schizophrenia characterized by a person expressing emotions that do not fit the situation.
  • Traits that are determined by genes.
  • Disorder affecting a person's emotional state; includes major depression and bipolar disorder.
  • Symptoms of schizophrenia that reflect deficits or characteristics that seem to be lacking. They include blunted affect, poverty of speech, and avolition.
  • Chemicals in the brain that carry messages to different parts of the body and play an important role in emotions, movement, learning, and memory.
  • A symptom of schizophrenia characterized by a reduced amount of talking.
  • Type of treatment in which a mental health professional uses words and sometimes activities to help a person overcome psychological difficulties.

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Science EncyclopediaSchizophrenia