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Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral Palsy IntroductionWhat This Book Does

Whether you are a person with cerebral palsy or know someone who is, this book is intended to help you gather as much basic information as you can about the realities of the condition and the people who live with them. As we go through the chapters, we'll discuss the facts concerning cerebral palsy and some of the myths surrounding it. You'll learn what the different forms of cerebral palsy are, some of the causes for the disorder, and how cerebral palsy is treated. But more important, perhaps, is the picture you'll get of what Kenneth and other kids and teens like him have in common—they have been through a lot, they have refused to feel sorry for themselves, and they have not allowed their disability to impair their potential.

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Science EncyclopediaCerebral PalsyCerebral Palsy - Cerebral Palsy Introduction - A Definition Of Cerebral Palsy, What This Book Does