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  • Hormone produced by the body during periods of stress.
  • Drugs prescribed by a doctor to treat depression.
  • Extreme state of nervousness or fear.
  • Way of thinking or acting.
  • Uncontrollable urge to do a certain thing.
  • Person who offers advice and help with special problems.
  • False, persistent belief sometimes caused by mental illness.
  • Mental illness in which sadness and gloom overwhelm a person's normal daily life.
  • Body system in charge of producing hormones.
  • Large number of cases of a disease that happen at the same time in the same area.
  • Part of a body cell that carries traits from parents to children.
  • A mental image of something that is not really happening, but seems real.
  • Chemicals in the body that help it to grow, stay healthy, or respond to stress.
  • State of high, unnatural excitement or enthusiasm.
  • A form of mental illness in which a person's mood swings quickly from intense sadness to high excitability.
  • Chemical that transmits messages from one cell to the next.
  • Strong fixation on an idea.
  • Sudden, uncontrollable fear or anxiety in a situation.
  • A doctor who treats mental illness.
  • The study of people's personalities, emotions, and subconscious minds, developed by Dr. Sigmund Freud.
  • A person who has studied human behavior and treats problems of the mind.
  • Extra pressure or demands made on the body or mind.
  • The intentional killing of oneself.
  • Sign or indication of something.
  • The point at which a nervous impulse passes from one neuron to another.
  • A person trained to help patients recover from an illness or injury.
  • Treatment for a disease or condition.

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Science EncyclopediaDepression