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When You Need Professional TreatmentBehavioral Therapy

Behavioral therapy uses learning to correct behavioral problems. The therapy will focus on the way in which you behave and will try to correct your troubling or problematic behavior. It assumes that your behavior has been learned and that, consequently, it can be unlearned.

If you begin behavioral therapy, you will work out a treatment plan with your therapist. You will discuss what outcome the therapy should have and set specific goals that you will meet to reach that outcome. In most cases, the outcome will be recovering from your phobia.

The behavioral therapist will help you to learn new behaviors to replace your phobic behaviors. She can choose from a wide variety of techniques. Many behavioral therapists use imagery desensitization and real-life desensitization, which you read about in the previous chapter. Your therapist will help you practice desensitization and will be there to support you while you do so. She will also give you assignments to do at home.

Your therapist may use modeling to teach you new behaviors, too. In modeling, you watch another person performing your phobic behavior and try to imitate that person. Your therapist will be with you while you practice your phobic behavior so she can offer support and encouragement. A behavioral therapist plays the role of teacher and coach in your therapy.

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Science EncyclopediaPhobiasPhobias - When You Need Professional Treatment - Behavioral Therapy, Psychoanalysis, Other Types Of Therapy