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Teens and Drug Abuse

Other Problems

Teens who abuse drugs often don't care about anything else. Drugs cause them to become indifferent to their own lives as well as the lives of their families and friends. Addicted teens often steal money to support their drug habits. Stealing and abusing drugs is against the law. If you are caught taking drugs or stealing money to buy them, you are risking your future.

Due to the rise in crime by young people, many courts are giving harsher punishments to juveniles. As of January 2000, seventy-two programs for juvenile drug courts have been initialized in forty-one states. These programs continue to grow, making it more difficult for a young person to get off easy. Even if you are under the age of eighteen, you may be facing jail time for drug abuse. Having a criminal record can hurt your chances of being admitted to college or getting a job.

It's important to understand what can happen to you if you use drugs—before you start using them. At the end of this book you'll find suggestions and ideas for living a drug-free life.

Additional topics

Science EncyclopediaCommon Street DrugsTeens and Drug Abuse - Loss Of Inhibitions, Peer Approval, Rebellion, Other Problems