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Normal Blood Sugar Range - Understanding the Normal Blood Sugar Range - Understanding Blood Sugar Testing Results, Maintaining Normal Blood Sugar Levels

Knowing the Ideal Blood Sugar Levels and Maintaining Healthy Levels With Medication and Diet

Diabetes has become an epidemic changing the lifestyles of millions. This trend has people questioning what is normal the blood sugar range and how can they maintain a healthy lifestyle. The first step in avoiding diabetes can be as simple as knowing the ideal blood sugar range and adapting eating habits to increase or decrease glucose in the body.

Understanding Blood Sugar Testing Results

When testing blood sugar, any foods or drinks consumed will manipulate the results. For this reason, many physicians recommend testing your blood sugar in the morning when you have had no food or drinks for at least 8 hours. This type of testing is highly accurate and will give the exact amount of sugar in the body. When a fasting test is done, the American Diabetes Association considers a normal sugar range to be 70-80 mg/dl.

Carbohydrates, sugar and exercise increase or decrease the amount of sugar in the body. When testing after a meal you will find the levels of sugar in the body increase. This is normal. The average range of sugar in the body after meals should be between 140-160 mg/dl. When testing before bed your blood sugar should be between 100-140 mg/dl. If you are diagnosed with high or low blood sugar it is a good idea to test several times per day to ensure your sugar levels are maintained.

Hyperglycemia occurs when there is an abundance of sugar in the body. Hyperglycemia is a sign that the insulin in the blood is not working or that the body is not producing enough insulin for the sugars consumed. Hypoglycemia occurs when the body has insufficient amounts of sugar in the blood. Low blood sugar is hazardous and can prove life threatening without proper treatment. When blood sugar drops, you will feel dizzy or light headed, confused and in many cases will go into insulin shock.

Maintaining Normal Blood Sugar Levels

There are several ways to maintain the proper blood sugar range. For most it is as simple as changing their diet to include more or less carbohydrates and sugar. If you have been diagnosed with diabetes, insulin can be injected to stabilize the sugar in the body. Medications are effective; however, they can produce side effects. It is important to talk to your doctor and test frequently to ensure you have the proper levels of insulin in your blood.

Maintaining a proper diet and exercise will also help obtain the proper blood glucose levels. Many foods will naturally increase or decrease blood sugar levels. Kidney Beans and Brussels sprouts are recommended to lower blood sugars. Onions, whether cooked or raw, mimic the effects of the compounds used to create synthetic insulin and reduce sugar levels in the blood. Several vitamins have also proven to reduce the levels of sugar in the blood. Gymnemic acid reduces the amount of intestinal glucose intake, thus reducing blood sugar levels. Licorice bark extract, biotin and zinc have also proven effective in combating high blood sugar levels.

Whether you have normal blood sugar or have been diagnosed with diabetes, it is important to understand the proper blood sugar levels in the body. By understanding how your body works, you can implement a strategy which will ensure proper glucose levels to enjoy a healthy life.

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