Cosmology and Astronomy
Babylonian Cosmology
Elimination of everything other than empirical observation and mathematical computation from Babylonian astronomical texts of the Seleucid period has been hailed by some as the first appearance of modern science and cosmology. Ancient Babylonians studied how the celestial motions went, but not why. Nor did they seek causes for physical phenomena or develop comprehensive theories about the universe. Consequently, some scholars dismiss Babylonian cosmology and astronomy as merely a set of mechanical procedures with no more theoretical content than recipes in a cookbook. They look instead to the Greeks for the birth of modern science.
Additional topics
Science EncyclopediaScience & Philosophy: Cosine to Cyano groupCosmology and Astronomy - Babylonian Cosmology, Greek Cosmology, Interregnum, The Copernican Revolution, The Newtonian Revolution, Twentieth-century Cosmology