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Beetles produce a variety of noxious chemicals to protect themselves against predators. For example, members of the genus Meloe release an oily substance from the joints of their legs that can raise blisters on human skin. In addition, members of the genus Eleodes emit an offensive black fluid when disturbed. However, the bombardier beetle displays one of the most dramatic repellent devices. This beetle shoots a boiling hot mixture of liquid and vapor from a "turret" at the rear of its abdomen. Able to fire repeatedly, the beetle has been observed to shoot 29 times in rapid succession within four minutes. The spray protects the beetle from ants, frogs, spiders, and praying mantids.

Additional topics

Science EncyclopediaScience & Philosophy: Ballistic galvanometer to Big–bang theoryBeetles - Varieties Of Beetles, Beetle Anatomy And Physiology, Life Cycle, Defense, Parasitic Beetles, Beetles And Humans