Some species of tenrec are prolific. Tenrecs produce the most young per litter (averaging between 12 and 15) of all the world's mammals. The number of offspring can be even higher; for example, common tenrecs have been known to have as may as 32 young in one litter. Because female tenrecs almost always have multiple births, they have numerous nipples to feed their young. In fact, common tenrec females have 29 nipples.
Female tenrecs must sometimes forage for food in daylight, when the danger presented by predators is the highest, to adequately nourish themselves, so that they are able to meet the huge demand for milk. In some tenrec species, the young have extra camouflage to protect themselves from predators, which they lose as they mature. Young tenrecs are fairly independent creatures; they are able to run soon after they are born. By the time they are four weeks old, they are completely independent.
Additional topics
Science EncyclopediaScience & Philosophy: Swim bladder (air bladder) to ThalliumTenrecs - Family Tenrecidae, Reproduction, Temperature Regulation - Evolution of insectivores