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Spider Monkeys

The Appearance Of The Four Species

Of the four species, the black spider monkey and the brown-headed spider monkey are basically entirely black, although, as its name indicates, the brown-headed spider monkey often has a brown crown on its head. The long-haired spider monkey, which lives in Colombia, is usually very dark brown or nearly black and has a pale underside and forehead. It gets its name from its long hair which falls like a cloak around its flanks. The black spider monkey can appear gold, tan, or dark brown. It usually has occasional black markings.

Whatever their particular coloring will be at adulthood, young spider monkeys are always black for the first six months of their lives. At this time, their colors take on whatever their adult appearance will be, and the monkeys are weaned.

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Science EncyclopediaScience & Philosophy: Spectroscopy to Stoma (pl. stomata)Spider Monkeys - General Characteristics, The Appearance Of The Four Species, Social Behavior, Diet, In Captivity