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Sparrows and Buntings

Sparrows And Buntings Elsewhere

Species of buntings of the genus Emberiza do not breed in North America, but are relatively diverse in Eurasia and Africa. In fact, of the 40 species of enberizids breeding in the Old World, 37 are in the genus Emberiza. One widespread species is the yellow-hammer (Emberiza citrinella), a familiar, yellow-bellied bird of forest edges and shrubby habitats. The reed bunting (E. schoeniclus) is a black-headed, brown-backed species of marshy habitats and wet meadows.

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Science EncyclopediaScience & Philosophy: Adam Smith Biography to Spectroscopic binarySparrows and Buntings - Biology Of Sparrows And Buntings, Sparrows And Buntings In North America, Sparrows And Buntings Elsewhere