Atlantic Salmon (salmo Salar)
Atlantic salmon live in the north Atlantic Ocean, from Cape Cod to Greenland, and from the Arctic coast of western Russia south to northern Spain. This is perhaps the best known species in the family Salmonidae. It has a rounded body and a slightly forked caudal fin. Their scales are round and show annual growth rings, and their position can be interpreted to reveal aspects of an individual's life history, such as the number of times it has spawned. The lower jaw of males develops a pronounced upward hook, similar to an underbite.
Additional topics
Science EncyclopediaScience & Philosophy: Revaluation of values: to Sarin Gas - History And Global Production Of SarinSalmon - Atlantic Salmon (salmo Salar), Pacific Salmon (oncorhynchus Species), Water Pollution, Fishing, And Fish-farming