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Respiratory Diseases

Miscellaneous Disorders

Noncancerous (benign) tumors may occur throughout the respiratory system. Although benign tumors are less serious than malignant ones, they can still cause serious obstructions of the airways and other complications. They may later become malignant.

Different types of drugs like heroin can cause edema (lung fluid). Anticancer drugs can cause pulmonary fibrosis (scar tissue), which will interfere with breathing. There are also children's diseases like cystic fibrosis, which affects secretion by the glands and results in pulmonary disorders along with other complications. Whooping cough (pertussis), which may lead to pneumonia and respiratory distress syndrome in newborns, especially premature ones, is another example of a children's disease.

Structural disorders may occur after changes in the shape of respiratory organs take place, following diseases such as pneumonia or tuberculosis or from hereditary causes. There are also a number of diseases caused by the inhalation of dust products from coal mining (black lung disease), sandblasting (silicosis), and manufacturing (asbestosis and berylliosis). These diseases are classified as pneumoconioses. The respiratory tract can also be affected by many diseases in other organs or systems of the body such as the heart, kidneys, and immune system.



Baum, Gerald L., and Emanuel Wolinsky. Textbook of Pulmonary Diseases. Boston: Little, Brown, 1994.

Guyton & Hall. Textbook of Medical Physiology. 10th ed. New York: W. B. Saunders Company, 2000.

Levitzky, Michael G. Introduction to Respiratory Care. Philadelphia: Saunders, 1990.

Wilkins, Robert L. Clinical Assessment in Respiratory Care. St. Louis: Mosby, 1990.


Martinez, F.D. "The Coming-of-age of the Hygiene Hypothesis." Respiratory Research no. 2 (March 2001): 129-132.


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—Drugs that target and kill bacteria, but are ineffective against viruses.


—Drugs used to dilate the bronchioles.


—The smallest diameter air tubes, branching off of the bronchi, and ending in the alveoli (air sacs).

Carcinoma of the lung

—The most common form of lung cancer.


—A chemical released from cells in the immune system as part of an allergic reaction.


—The class of respiratory diseases caused by the inhalation of inorganic chemicals.

Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia

—A type of pneumonia occurring in AIDS, which is caused by fungi.

Pulmonary fibrosis

—Scarring of the lung tissue from disease or drugs.


—The common condition of upper respiratory tract inflammation occurring in both colds and allergy.

TB skin test

—The use of tuberculin, a protein produced by the tuberculosis bacillus, to test for TB.

Additional topics

Science EncyclopediaScience & Philosophy: Reason to RetrovirusRespiratory Diseases - Treatments, Bronchial Diseases, Bronchodilators, Tuberculosis, Pneumonia, Cancer, Miscellaneous Disorders - flu Colds and allergies