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Symptoms Of Psychosis

Hallucinations are a major symptom of psychosis and can be defined as a misperception of reality. Auditory hallucinations are the most common form. Patients hear voices that may seem to be outside his or her head or inside. The voices may be argumentative or congratulatory. Patients who exhibit visual hallucinations may have an organic problem, such as a brain lesion. Other types of hallucinations involve the sense of smell and touch.

There are various types of delusions that psychiatrists classify when diagnosing a patient. Erotomanic delusions involve the conviction that someone is in love with the patient. Grandiose delusions have a theme of inflated importance, power, knowledge, or a special relationship with someone important, perhaps a political leader, God, or a famous person. In a jealous type of delusion, the person feels their sexual partner is unfaithful even when there is no evidence of the fact. The main theme of a persecution delusion is that the patient is being mistreated by someone. In somatic delusions, patients feel they have a disease or physical defect that is also not present.

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Science EncyclopediaScience & Philosophy: Propagation to Quantum electrodynamics (QED)Psychosis - Forms Of Psychosis, Symptoms Of Psychosis, Medications For Treatment, Dosages