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Personality Theory

Over Freud's long life, his thinking evolved and he continually revised his theories. Since Freud's death, psychoanalytic theory and therapy have been modified by numerous psychoanalysts, psychologists, and psychiatrists. We will look at Freud's final version of psychoanalysis.

One of Freud's most significant contributions to psychology and the world at large was his view of the unconscious. To Freud the unconscious is the seat of all of our impulses, instincts, wishes, and desires, which we are usually unaware, or not conscious of. It is irrational and yet it is just this part of ourselves that controls most behavior.

Additional topics

Science EncyclopediaScience & Philosophy: Propagation to Quantum electrodynamics (QED)Psychoanalysis - History, Personality Theory, Personality Organization, Personality Development, Psychoanalytic Therapy