Precious Metals
The legends of King Midas and Jason's search for the golden fleece hint at prehistoric mankind's early fascination with precious metals. The proof comes in the gold and silver treasure found in ancient Egyptian tombs and even older Mesopotamian burial sites.
The course of recorded history also shows twists and turns influenced to a large degree by precious metals. It was Greek silver that gave Athens its Golden Age, Spanish gold and silver that powered the Roman empire's expansion, and the desire for gold that motivated Columbus to sail west across the Atlantic. The exploration of Latin America was driven in large part by the search for gold, and the Jamestown settlers in North America had barely gotten their "land legs" before they began searching for gold. Small amounts of gold found in North Carolina, Georgia, and Alabama played a role in the 1838 decision to remove the Cherokee Indians to Oklahoma. The California gold rush of 1849 made California a state in 1850, and California gold fueled northern industry and backed up union currency, two major factors in the outcome of the Civil War.
Over one ton of gold bars. Photograph by Tom McHugh.
Additional topics
Science EncyclopediaScience & Philosophy: Positive Number to Propaganda - World War IiPrecious Metals - History, Gold, Occurrence, Placer Gold, Gold Veins, Production And Uses, Silver - Future outlook