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Ideally, diagnosis of osteoporosis should be made prior to the occurrence of symptom-causing fractures. Various radiologic techniques are available to measure the density (solidity) of bone, and include x ray and CT (computed tomography) examinations of the spine, femur, and wrist bones.

In the case of osteoporosis that is not due to normal aging, but is secondary to another disease process, other laboratory examination may be necessary. Calcium blood level, thyroid, liver, and parathyroid function may need to be evaluated. Other diseases that cause secondary osteoporosis (such as gastrointestinal disease) are usually evident due to other symptomatology.

Additional topics

Science EncyclopediaScience & Philosophy: Octadecanoate to OvenbirdsOsteoporosis - The Basics Of Bone Formation, Why Osteoporosis Occurs, Symptoms Of Osteoporosis, Diagnosis, Treatment