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The Basics Of Bone Formation

To understand osteoporosis, it is helpful to understand the basics of bone formation. Bone is formed on a protein base (collagen) by the deposition of minerals, particularly calcium. This laying down of bone is carried out by specialized cells called osteoblasts. The formation of new bone occurs most effectively along lines of stress/weight that are experienced by the bone.

Other cells, osteoclasts, are responsible for resorbing (taking up) bone. These cells actually digest already-formed bone.

This active resorption-formation cycle within bone occurs throughout life, so that old bone is always being replaced by new bone. When the resorption phase is accelerated, or the formation phase is slowed, less calcified bone exists. This is the state which results in the weakened bone structure present in osteoporosis.

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Science EncyclopediaScience & Philosophy: Octadecanoate to OvenbirdsOsteoporosis - The Basics Of Bone Formation, Why Osteoporosis Occurs, Symptoms Of Osteoporosis, Diagnosis, Treatment