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Newton's Laws of Motion

First Law Of Motion

Galileo's observation that without friction a body would tend to move forever challenged Aristotle's notion that the natural state of motion on Earth was one of rest. Galileo deduced that it was a property of matter to maintain its state of motion, a property he called inertia. Newton, grasping the meaning of inertia and recognizing that Aristotle's reference to what keeps a body in motion (outside influence) really should have been what changes a body's state of motion, set forth a first law of motion which states: A body at rest remains at rest or a body in constant motion remains in constant motion along a straight line unless acted on by an external influence, called force.

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Science EncyclopediaScience & Philosophy: Mysticism to Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotideNewton's Laws of Motion - First Law Of Motion, Examples Of The First Law, Second Law Of Motion, Applications Of The Second Law