Minor Planets
In February 2000, asteroid studies took a remarkable jump forward when the Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous (NEAR)-Shoemaker spacecraft, first of NASA's "Discovery" series of relatively low-cost space probes, went into orbit around the asteroid 433 Eros, an S-class asteroid about 8 × 8 × 21 mi (13 × 13 × 33 km) in size. NEAR-Shoemaker, the first spacecraft ever to orbit an asteroid, had already flown by the C-class, main-belt asteroid 253 Mathilde in 1997, taking high-resolution
Figure 2.
Analysis of X rays emitted by Eros during a solar flare and observed by NEAR-Shoemaker showed that the asteroid's composition closely resembled that of the chondritic meteorites, which are considered remnants of the early solar system. This has bolstered the theory that the asteroids, too, are primordial leftovers that have never been part of any planet.
See also Astroblemes; Meteors and meteorites.
Cunningham, Clifford J. Introduction to Asteroids. Richmond, VA: Willman-Bell, 1988.
Beatty, J. Kelly. "Ida and Company." Sky & Telescope (January 1995): 20-23.
Beatty, J. Kelly. "Killer Crater in the Yucatan?" Sky & Telescope (July 1991): 38-40.
Grieve, Richard A.F. "Impact Cratering on the Earth." Scientific American (April 1990): 66-73.
Kerr, Richard A. "A Little Respect for the Asteroid Threat." Science (September 13, 2002): 1785-1787.
Veverka, J., et al. "Imaging of Small-Scale Features on 433 Eros from NEAR: Evidence for a Complex Regolith." Science (April 20, 2001): 484-488.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration. "NEAR: Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous." February 18, 2002 [cited November 23, 2002]. <http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/planetary/near.html>.
Larry Gilman James Welch
Additional topics
Science EncyclopediaScience & Philosophy: Methane to Molecular clockMinor Planets - The Discovery Of Asteroids, Main-belt Asteroids, Beyond The Main Belt, The Collision Threat