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Antibiotic medications (forms of penicillins and cephalosporins, for example) are the most important element of treatment against bacterial agents of meningitis. Because of the effectiveness of the blood-brain barrier in preventing passage of substances into the brain, medications must be delivered directly into the patient's veins (intravenous or IV) at very high doses. Antiviral medications (acyclovir) may be helpful in the case of viral meningitis, and antifungal medications are available as well.

Other treatment for meningitis involves decreasing inflammation (with steroid preparations) and paying careful attention to the balance of fluids, glucose, sodium, potassium, oxygen, and carbon dioxide in the patient's system. Patients who develop seizures will require medications to halt the seizures and prevent their return.

Additional topics

Science EncyclopediaScience & Philosophy: Mathematics to Methanal trimerMeningitis - Anatomical Considerations, Infectious Causes Of Meningitis, How The Infectious Agents Of Meningitis Gain Access To The Meninges