Sheep And Goats
Domestic sheep and goats are horned species of livestock that are commonly raised around the world.
The domestic sheep (Ovis aries) is an ancient domesticated species, probably native to southern Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa. However, the domestic sheep has been widely kept as livestock for thousands of years, and its exact lineage is not known. Sheep are very hardy animals in alpine, boreal, and temperate climates,
Chickens being grown as broilers for Goldkist inside a large henhouse.
and they are most commonly cultivated for their wool, meat (known as mutton), hides, and milk. Sheep are usually kept in relatively open pastures, where they forage on grasses and other herbaceous plants.
Many varieties of sheep have been bred to suit particular climates, or to yield particular types of products. Probably the most widely-cultivated variety is the Merino sheep, which is commonly raised for its fine wool, and is well suited to relatively dry climates. This variety is the most common sheep raised in Australia, which is the world's leading producer of sheep and their products.
The domestic goat (Capra hircus) is descended from wild goats of the mountains of Asia Minor. The domestic goat is a very hardy animal, capable of finding forage in seemingly barren and arid places, and is resistant to many types of diseases. Goats are primarily raised for their meat, milk, and hides.
There are numerous varieties of domesticated goats. The Swiss or alpine goat is a common breed which is often raised for its milk, which can be consumed directly, or used to make butter or cheese. The Kashmir and angora goats are long-haired varieties that are raised for their long "wool," which can be woven into warm, soft garments.
The yak (Poephagus grunniens) is a sheep-like animal that is kept as livestock on highland plateaus of the Himalayas of Asia. This animal is a source of an extremely fine wool, as well as hides, meat, and milk. The related musk ox (Ovibos moschatus) is a minor species of livestock that is in the initial stages of domestication for its extremely light and fine wool and its gamey meat.
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Science EncyclopediaScience & Philosophy: Linear expansivity to Macrocosm and microcosmLivestock - Cows, Sheep And Goats, Pigs, Horse And Donkey, Camels And Llamas, Buffalo - Rabbits