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Human Genome Project

Dna Sequencing Methodology

DNA is packaged into structures called chromosomes that unwind when genes are given the appropriate cues to produce protein. Chromosomes are important structures for organizing the long stretches of DNA and provide a platform for which this material can be replicated and separated so that as the cell divides, both of the two new cells will have the appropriate amount of genetic material. Chromosomes can range in size between 50 to 250 million nucleotide bases. In order to sequence these bases, they must first be broken into fragments. Each fragment is used to produce a collection of smaller sized fragments that differ in length by only a single base and are amplified. The amplified set is separated by a gel matrix, and an electrical field is created that separates the DNA fragments in the matrix based on size and charge. These fragments are used as a template for the DNA sequencing reaction. Since DNA is double stranded where A binds to T and C binds to G (and vice versa), a single-stranded template can be used for adding fluorescent-labeled nucleotides of complementary sequence. Using current technology, up to 700 bases can be sequenced.

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Science EncyclopediaScience & Philosophy: Heterodyne to Hydrazoic acidHuman Genome Project - The Goals Of The Human Genome Project, Dna Sequencing Methodology, The Draft Sequence, The Dna Sequence: Is It Informative? - The timeline