Discrete And Integrated Amplifiers
Electronic amplifiers using separate transistors, resistors, and capacitors wired into place one by one are called discrete amplifiers. Discrete amplifiers have been all but superseded by integrated circuits (ICs) for small-signal
The power amplifier for the Antares fusion laser.
applications. Vast numbers of transistors and many supporting components are contained on an IC's single silicon crystal chip. Circuit boards now use just a few encapsulated chips in place of the hundreds of individual components once required. An engineer or technician normally does not need to be aware of an IC's internal circuitry, further simplifying their use.
See also Electronics.
Cannon, Don L. Understanding Solid-State Electronics. 5th ed. SAMS division of Prentice Hall Pub. Co., 1991.
Donald Beaty
Additional topics
Science EncyclopediaScience & Philosophy: Ambiguity - Ambiguity to Anticolonialism in Middle East - Ottoman Empire And The Mandate SystemAmplifier - Amplifiers And Energy, Cascading Amplifiers, Discrete And Integrated Amplifiers - Efficiency