Species Of Goatsuckers And Nighthawks
This family of birds is richest in species in Africa, and south Asia. There are only eight species of goat-suckers in North America, most of which are migratory species, breeding in North America and wintering in Central and South America.
One of the most familiar species of goatsuckers in North America is the whip-poor-will (Caprimulgus vociferous), occurring throughout the eastern United States and southeastern Canada. Unfortunately, the population of this species has declined over much of its range, due to the large loss of natural habitat, and the fragmentation of the remnants.
Chuck-will's-widow (C. carolinensis) occurs in pine forests of the southeastern United States while the common poorwill (Phalaenoptilus nuttallii) is the most common goatsucker in the western United States. The common names of the whip-poor-will, poorwill, chuck-will's-widow, and the pauraque (Nyctidromus albicollis) of southern Texas have all been derived from the very distinctive, loud calls made by these birds. Naming animals after the sounds that they make is known as onomatopoeia.
The common nighthawk (Chordeiles minor) is another relatively familar species, ranging through all of the United States and much of Canada. This species is highly aerial when hunting, swooping gracefully and swiftly on its falcon-like wings to capture its prey of moths, beetles, ants, and other flying insects. The common nighthawk tends to breed in open, rocky places, and it also accepts flat, gravelly roofs in cities as a nesting substrate. Most urban residents are not aware that breeding populations of this native bird occur in their midst, although they may have often wondered about the source of the loud "peeent" sounds that nighthawks make while flying about at dusk and dawn. For reasons that are not understood, populations of the common nighthawk appear to be declining markedly, and the species may be in jeopardy. The lesser nighthawk (C. acutipennis) is a smaller species that occurs in the southwestern United States.
The poorwill (Phalaenoptilus nuttallii) of the western United States is the only species of bird that is known to hibernate. This has not been observed many times, but poorwills have occasionally been found roosting in crevices in canyons in winter, in an obviously torpid state, and not moving for several months. These hibernating birds maintain a body temperature of only 95.4-97.2o F (18-19o C), compared with their normal 135-136.8o F (40-41o C).
The Puerto Rican nightjar (Caprimulgus noctitherus) is a rare species that only occurs on the Caribbean island of Puerto Rico. Only about 1,000 individuals of this endangered species survive. The Puerto Rican nightjar has been decimated by losses of its natural habitat, especially deforestation, and by depredations by introduced predators, such as the mongoose.
Ehrlich, P.R., D.S. Dobkin, D. Wheye. Birds in Jeopardy. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, 1992.
Forshaw, Joseph. Encyclopedia of Birds. New York: Academic Press, 1998.
Bill Freedman
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Science EncyclopediaScience & Philosophy: Glucagon to HabitatGoatsuckers - Species of goatsuckers and nighthawks