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Territory And Social Arrangements, Mating And Breeding, Preservation And Adaptation

Gazelles are medium-sized fawn-colored antelopes found in arid parts of the world, mainly in Ethiopia, Somalia, northern Africa and around the Sahara Desert, parts of the Middle East, India, and Central Asia. Gazelles are horned animals with a four-chambered stomach and cloven hooves. Gazelles are cud chewers (ruminants), and they lack upper canine and incisor teeth. Gazelles tear grass, foliage, buds, and shoots with a sideways motion of their jaws, superficially chewing and swallowing it. The food is acted on by bacteria in the S-shaped rumen section of the stomach, then regurgitated and chewed again.

Gazelles are grayish brown with white underbellies and rumps. They have conspicous black and white face markings and a horizontal dark-colored band along their flanks. Gazelles have slender bodies, long necks, S-shaped, ringed horns, and long legs. Their vision and hearing are well-developed. Gazelles have a distinctive way of walking, called stotting, a stiff-legged bouncing motion where all four legs hit the ground at the same time. Gazelles can be seen performing this unusual movement in moments of playfulness or when they are frightened. They have a 10-12 year life span.

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Science EncyclopediaScience & Philosophy: Gastrula to Glow discharge