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Analyzing The Problem

Defining the problem is the first and most critical step of the problem analysis. To best approach a solution, the problem must be well-understood and the guidelines or design considerations for the project must be clear. For example, in the creation of a new automobile, the engineers must know if they should design for fuel economy or for brute power. Many questions like this arise in every engineering project, and they must all be answered at the very beginning if the engineers are to work efficiently toward a solution.

When these issues are resolved, the problem must be thoroughly researched. This involves searching technical journals and closely examining solutions of similar engineering problems. The purpose of this step is two-fold. First, it allows the engineer to make use of a tremendous body of work done by other engineers. And second, it ensures the engineer that the problem has not already been solved. Either way, the review allows him or her to intelligently approach the problem, and perhaps avoid a substantial waste of time or legal conflicts in the future.

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Science EncyclopediaScience & Philosophy: Electrophoresis (cataphoresis) to EphemeralEngineering - Analyzing The Problem, Designing A Solution, Bringing It To Life