Alluvial Systems
Deltas are formed at the mouths of streams that flow into lakes or oceans. They are fan-like deposits similar to alluvial fans, but located in the water rather than on dry land. Like alluvial fans, coarse sediments are deposited close to shore and fine-grained sediment is carried farther out to sea. The Mississippi River has formed the most prominent example of a delta within the United States. Other well-known examples are the Nile Delta of North Africa and the Amazon Delta of South America. When Aristotle observed the Nile Delta, he recognized it was shaped like the Greek letter delta, hence the name. Most deltas clog their channels with sediment and so must eventually abandon them. If the river then flows to the sea along a significantly different path, the delta will be abandoned and a new delta lobe will form. This process, known as delta switching, helps build the coastline outward.
See also Continental margin; Continental shelf; Earth science; Global climate; Hydrologic cycle; Hydrology; Land use; Landform; Sediment and sedimentation; Sedimentary environment; Sedimentary rock.
Knighton, D. Fluvial Forms and Processes. London: Arnold, 1998.
Leopold, L. B. A View of the River. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1994.
Leopold, L. B., M. G. Wolman, and J. P. Miller. Fluvial Processes in Geomorphology. New York: Dover Publications, 1995.
Bull, W. B. "Alluvial fans." Journal of Geological Education 26, no. 3 (1978): 101–06.
Ableman, C. "Glossary of Hydrologic Terms." 2000 [cited October 19, 2002]. <>.
Pidwirny, M. J. "Fluvial Landforms." 2000 [cited October 19, 2002]. <>.
William C. Haneberg
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Science EncyclopediaScience & Philosophy: Adrenoceptor (adrenoreceptor; adrenergic receptor) to AmbientAlluvial Systems - Alluvium, Commmon Components, Coastal Alluvial Plains, Alluvial Fans, Deltas