Electric Vehicles
Challenges Still Exist
Engineers still struggle with energy density. Average energy density in today's EV batteries is about 70W-hr/kg (one W-hr/kg is roughly one mile of range in a four-passenger sedan). In order to increase driving ranges, battery makers must find new alloys for cathodes and anodes. Merely placing more batteries per vehicle is not sufficient.
Cost remains a challenge, particularly battery costs. Automakers say they need to offer their customers $100-per-kilowatt-hour batteries. Today, the best long-term EV batteries cost $10,000–20,000 per kilowatt-hour.
Question 349. Science and Technology Desk Reference. 2nd ed. Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh Science and Technology Department, 1996.
"The Case for Electric Vehicles." Scientific American (November 1996).
"Out of Juice." Design News (October 5, 1998).
"Waiting for the Supercar." Scientific American (April 1999).
Electric Vehicle Association of the Americas. <http://www.evaa.org>.
Office of Transportation Technologies. Hybrid Electric Vehicle Program. (2003). <http://www.newscientist.com/ns/970705/ndope.html>.
Laurie Toupin
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Science EncyclopediaScience & Philosophy: Dysprosium to Electrophoresis - Electrophoretic TheoryElectric Vehicles - Batteries, Advantages, Hybrids, Challenges Still Exist