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Treating Dyslexia

Those with mild cases of dyslexia sometimes learn to compensate on their own, and many with dyslexia reach remarkable levels of achievement. Leonardo Da Vinci, the famous Renaissance inventor and artist who painted the Mona Lisa, is thought to have been dyslexic; so was Albert Einstein.

The severity of the disorder, early diagnosis, and prompt treatment seem to be the keys to overcoming the challenges of dyslexia. Linguistic and reading specialists can help those with dyslexia learn how to break reading and writing into specific tasks, how to better remember and apply reading skills, and how to independently develop reading and writing skills. Studies with community college students indicate that intensive sessions with a specialist significantly increase a student's reading and writing skills, and experts believe earlier intervention is even more effective.

Although dyslexia occurs independently, it can spark social, behavioral, and emotional problems. Children with dyslexia may be frustrated by their inability to understand and embarrassed by their "failure" in the classroom. They may perceive themselves as "stupid" and develop problems with self-esteem and motivation.

Additional topics

Science EncyclopediaScience & Philosophy: Direct Variation to DysplasiaDyslexia - Reading And The Brain, How We Read, Causes Of Dyslexia, Treating Dyslexia - Future developments