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Current Research

Current cogeneration research is examining ways of improving the old technology. One improvement involves steam-injected gas turbines, which would increase the electric output capacity of the turbines, and thereby increase the energy efficiency of cogeneration. Other improvements are making cogeneration more feasible for smaller plants. Currently, this technology is feasible only in larger facilities. Smaller cogeneration units would allow a more widespread application of this energy efficient technology.



Miller, Jr., G.T., Environmental Science: Sustaining the Earth. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing Company, 1991.

Orlando, J.A. Cogeneration Planner's Handbook. Lilburn, GA: Fairmont Press, 1991.

Payne, F.W., ed. Cogeneration Sourcebook. Atlanta, Fairmont Press, 1985.


Ganapathy, V. "Recovering Heat When Generating Power." Chemical Engineering (February 1993): 94–98.

Shelley, S., and K. Fouhy. "All Fired Up About Cogeneration." Chemical Engineering (January 1992): 39-45.

Jennifer LeBlanc


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Avoided cost

—Under PURPA, this is the price that the utility company must pay to buy electricity from a cogenerating company. It is calculated as the amount the utility would have paid if the utility company had generated the electricity itself.

Public Utilities Regulatory Policies Act (PURPA)

—This is U. S. federal legislation that is designed to encourage the development of cogenerating plants.

Waste heat

—This is heat that is released as fuels are burned but is not used.

Additional topics

Science EncyclopediaScience & Philosophy: Cluster compound to ConcupiscenceCogeneration - Why Cogenerate?, History Of Cogeneration, Barriers To Cogeneration, Current Research