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Coal Mining

Coal is extracted from the earth using one of two major techniques, sub-surface or surface (strip) mining. The former method is used when seams of coal are located at significant depths below the earth's surface. The first step in sub-surface mining is to dig vertical tunnels into the earth until the coal seam is reached. Horizontal tunnels are then constructed laterally off the vertical tunnel. In many cases, the preferred method of mining coal by this method is called room-and-pillar mining. In this method, vertical columns of coal (the pillars) are left in place as coal around them is removed. The pillars hold up the ceiling of the seam preventing it from collapsing on miners working around them. After the mine has been abandoned, however, those pillars may often collapse, bringing down the ceiling of the seam and causing subsidence in land above the old mine.

Surface mining can be used when a coal seam is close enough to the earth's surface to allow the overburden to be removed economically. In such a case, the first step is to strip off all of the overburden in order to reach the coal itself. The coal is then scraped out by huge power shovels, some capable of removing up to 100 cubic meters at a time. Strip mining is a far safer form of coal mining, but it presents a number of environmental problems. In most instances, an area that has been strip mined is terribly scarred, and restoring the area to its original state is a long and expensive procedure. In addition, any water that comes in contact with the exposed coal or overburden may become polluted and require treatment.

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Science EncyclopediaScience & Philosophy: Cluster compound to ConcupiscenceCoal - Origins Of Coal, Composition Of Coal, Properties And Reactions, Environmental Problems Associated With The Burning Of Coal