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Because chickenpox is usually a mild disease, no drug treatment is prescribed. Pain relief, in the form of acetaminophen (i.e., Tylenol) is recommended rather than salicylate, or aspirin. Salicylate may cause Reye's syndrome, a very serious neurological condition that is especially associated with aspirin intake and chickenpox; in fact, 20-30% of the total cases of Reye's syndrome occur in children with chickenpox. It is therefore important to control pain in children with chickenpox (or any other respiratory illness) with acetaminophen, not aspirin. Adults should also take acetaminophen if they have chickenpox.

The itching of the lesions can sometimes be controlled with calamine lotion or special preparations that are put into bath water. Antihistamines may also help relieve itching. The itching becomes less severe as the lesions heal; however, because children are more likely to scratch the lesions, the potential for scarring is greater in children than in adults.

Chickenpox, although not deadly for most people, can be quite serious in those who have weakened immune systems, and drug therapy is recommended for these cases. Antiviral drugs (such as acyclovir) have been shown to lessen the severity and duration of the disease, although some of the side effects, such as gastrointestinal upset, can be problematic.

Additional topics

Science EncyclopediaScience & Philosophy: Categorical judgement to ChimaeraChickenpox - Symptoms Of Chickenpox, Treatment, Complications, Chickenpox And Environmental Factors, Immunity And The New Vaccine