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Chemical Bond

Multiple Bonds

The bonds described thus far can all be classified as single bonds. That is, they all consist of a single pair of electrons. Not uncommonly, two atoms will combine with each other by sharing two pairs of electrons. For example, when lead and sulfur combine to form a compound, the molecules formed might consist of two pairs of electrons, one electron from lead and one electron from sulfur in each of the pairs. The standard shorthand for a double bond such as this one is a double dashed line (=). For example, the formula for a common double-bonded compound, ethylene, is: H2C=CH2.

Compounds can also be formed by the sharing of three pairs of electrons between two atoms. The formula for one such compound, acetylene, shows how a triple bond of this kind is represented: HC-CH.

Additional topics

Science EncyclopediaScience & Philosophy: Categorical judgement to ChimaeraChemical Bond - History, The Origin Of Bond Symbolism, Development Of The Modern Theory Of Bonding, Bond Types