Celestial Coordinates
Celestial Latitude B
An object's arc distance from the ecliptic along its secondary to the ecliptic; it is positive north of the ecliptic, negative south of it. b=+90° at the NEP and b=90° at the SEP. These coordinates may be either geocentric (Earth-centered) or heliocentric (Sun-centered).
Galactic coordinates 1, the galactic equator is the basic circle and the direction from the solar system to the center of our Milky Way galaxy is the zero point for them. The north (NGP) and south (SGP) galactic poles are 90° from the galactic equator and are 62.6° from the NCP and SCP, respectively.
Additional topics
- Celestial Coordinates - Galactic Longitude
- Celestial Coordinates - Horizon Coordinates
- Other Free Encyclopedias
Science EncyclopediaScience & Philosophy: Categorical judgement to ChimaeraCelestial Coordinates - Horizon Coordinates, Celestial Latitude B, Galactic Longitude - Equatorial coordinates, Right ascension a, Declination d, Hour angle, Ecliptic coordinate, Celestial longitude l