less than 1 minute read



Damisch, Hubert. The Origin of Perspective. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1994.

Edgerton, Samuel Y. The Renaissance Rediscovery of Linear Perspective. New York: BasicBooks, 1975.

Kemp, Martin. The Science of Art: Optical Themes in Western Art from Brunelleschi to Seurat. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1990.

Summers, David. Real Spaces. New York, Phaidon, 2003.

White, John. The Birth and Rebirth of Pictorial Space. Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap, 1987.

Additional topics

Science EncyclopediaScience & Philosophy: Pebi- to History of Philosophy - IndifferentismPerspective - Renaissance-style Linear Perspective, Other "perspectives", Bibliography