Men and Masculinity
Adler, Alfred. Understanding Human Nature. 1927. Translated by C. Brett. Oxford: Oneworld, 1992.
Altman, Dennis. Homosexual: Oppression and Liberation. London: Lane, 1974.
Buchbinder, David. Performance Anxieties: Re-producing Masculinity. Sydney: Allen and Unwin, 1998.
Connell, R. W. Masculinities. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1995.
Freud, Sigmund. The Case of the Wolf-Man: From the History of an Infantile Neurosis. San Francisco: Arion, 1993. Reprinted from the standard edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, v. 17. London: Hogarth, 1917.
Gutmann, Matthew. The Meanings of Macho: Being a Man in Mexico City. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1996.
Hacker, Helen Mayer. "The New Burdens of Masculinity." Marriage and Family Living 19 (August 1957): 227–233.
Holter, Oeystein Gullvag. Can Men Do It? Men and Gender Equality: The Nordic Experience. Copenhagen: Nordic Council of Ministers, 2003.
Homer. The Iliad. Translated by Michael Reck. New York: IconEditions, 1994.
Jung, Carl G. "The Relations Between the Ego and the Unconscious." In Collected Works. Vol. 7. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1953.
Kimmel, Michael S., and Thomas E. Mosmiller, eds. Against the Tide: Pro-Feminist Men in the United States, 1776–1990, a Documentary History. Boston: Beacon, 1992.
Lewes, Kenneth. The Psychoanalytic Theory of Male Homosexuality. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1988.
Malory, Thomas. Works. Edited by E. Vinaver. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1971.
Mead, Margaret. Sex and Temperament in Three Primitive Societies. 1935. New York: William Morrow, 1963.
Messner, Michael A. The Politics of Masculinities: Men in Movements. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage, 1997.
Metz-Göckel, Sigrid, and Ursula Mueller. Der Mann: Die Brigitte-Studie. Weinheim: Beltz, 1986.
Morrell, Robert, ed. Changing Men in Southern Africa. London: Zed, 2001.
Olavarría, José. Y todos querian ser (buenos) padres: varones de Santiago de Chile en conflicto. Santiago: FLACSO-Chile, 2001.
Parsons, Talcott, and Robert F. Bales. Family, Socialization and Interaction Process. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1956.
Pease, Bob, and Keith Pringle. A Man's World? Changing Men's Practices in a Globalized World. London: Zed, 2001.
Pleck, Joseph H. The Myth of Masculinity. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1981.
Vaerting, Mathilde. The Dominant Sex: A Study in the Sociology of Sex Differentiation. 1921. Westport, Conn.: Hyperion, 1980.
White, Sarah C. "'Did the Earth Move?' The Hazards of Bringing Men and Masculinities into Gender and Development." IDS Bulletin 31, no. 2 (April 2000): 33–41.
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Science EncyclopediaScience & Philosophy: Mathematics to Methanal trimerMen and Masculinity - Stories Of Men, Questioning Masculinity, Vaerting, Freud, Adler, Other Psychoanalysts, Sex Differences And Ethnography