2 minute read


atmosphere (AT muhss fihr) — the layer of gases that surrounds Earth

carpel (KAR puhl) — the female part of a flower

cell (sel) — the tiny structure from which all living things are made

chlorophyll (KLOR uh fil) — the green matter in plants

deficiency (di FISH uhn see) — lacking in something

dispersal (diss PURSS uhl) — when something spreads over an area

energy (EN uhr jee) — the ability to do work. Plants use energy from the Sun to live and grow.

evaporation (i VAP uh ray shuhn) — when a liquid turns into a gas or vapor

exhausted (eg ZAW sted) — completely empty of a substance or of energy

fertilization (FUR tuhl eye zay shuhn) — the joining of male and female cells. In plants, fertilization is when the pollen and egg meet and join.

flaccid (FLASS id) — limp, lacking in firmness

germination (JUR muh nay shuhn) — the sprouting of a new plant

greenhouse effect (GREEN houss uh FEKT) — the warming of Earth. The natural greenhouse effect is caused by carbon dioxide in the atmosphere keeping in heat from the Sun.

humidity (HYOO mid uh tee) — the measure of the amount of water in the air

membrane (MEM brayn) — a very thin skinlike sheet

mineral (MIN ur uhl) — a substance that occurs naturally in rocks and in the ground

osmosis (oz MOH siss) — the movement of a substance across a membrane (from where there is a lot of the substance to where there is less of it)

phloem (FLOH uhm) — plant tissue that carries food made by the plant to wherever it is needed

photosynthesis (foh toh SIN thuh siss) — the process by which plants use energy from the Sun, water, and carbon dioxide to make glucose and oxygen

pigment (PIG muhnt) — coloring substance

pollination (POL uh nay shuhn) — the transfer of pollen from the anther to the stigma of a plant

respiration (ress puh RAY shuhn) — the process in cells in which glucose and oxygen are used to produce energy, carbon dioxide, and water

stamen (STAY muhn) — the male part of a flower

stomata (STOH may ter) — the tiny pores (holes) on a plant's leaf

surface area (SUR fiss AIR ee uh) — the amount of space on the outside of an object

turgid (TUR jid) — swollen and firm

vascular tissue (VASS kyoo lur TISH oo) — the collection of plant tissues that move substances around the plant. This includes the xylem and the phloem.

xylem (ZYE luhm) — plant tissue that carries water and minerals from the roots all around the plant

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Science Encyclopedia for KidsFood from the Sun