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efficient (uh-FISH-uhnt): working without wasting energy

emissions (I-MISH-uhnz): harmful chemicals released into the air

fossil fuels (FOSS-uhl fyoo-uhlz): coal, oil, or natural gas formed from the remains of prehistoric plants and animals

generator (JEN-uh-ray-ter): a machine that converts energy to electricity

grid (GRID): system that transmits and distributes electricity from power plants to customers

industrial (in-DUHSS-tree-uhl): having to do with factories and other businesses

irrigation (IHR-uh-GAY-shun): supplying water to crops with a system of pipes and channels

kinetic energy (ki-NET-ik-EN-ur-jee): energy of motion

mechanical energy (muh-KAN-uh-kuhl-EN-ur-jee): energy of motion that performs work

meteorologists (MEE-tee-ur-OL-oh-jists): people who study the Earth's atmosphere

nacelle (nuh-SELL): an engine enclosure

pollination (POL-uh-NAY-shun): the transfer of plant pollen

potential energy (puh-TEN-shuhl-EN-ur-jee): energy that is possible

technology (tek-NOL-uh-jee): using science and skills to improve upon things

turbine (TUR-bine): an engine driven by air, water, steam, or gas

wind vane (WIND-VAYN): a device that rotates to show the direction of the wind

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Science Encyclopedia for KidsWind Energy